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Achieving human and machine accessibility of cited data in scholarly publications

Starr J, Castro E, Crosas M, Dumontier M, Downs RR, Duerr R, Haak L, Haendel M, Herman I, Hodson S, Hourclé J, Kratz JE, Lin J, Nielsen LH, Nurnberger A, Pröll S, Rauber A, Sacchi S, Smith AP, Taylor M, Clark T. (2014Achieving human and machine accessibility of cited data in scholarly publications. PeerJ PrePrints 2:e697v2

“This brief article provides operational guidance on implementing scholarly data citation and data deposition, in conformance with the Joint Declaration of Data Citation Principles (JDDCP, to help achieve widespread, uniform human and machine accessibility of deposited data. The JDDCP is the outcome of a cross-domain effort to establish core principles around cited data in scholarly publications. It deals with important issues in identification, deposition, description, accessibility, persistence, and evidential status of cited data. Eighty-five scholarly, governmental, and funding institutions have now endorsed the JDDCP. The purpose of this article is to provide the necessary guidance for JDDCP-endorsing organizations to implement these principles and to achieve their widespread adoption.”

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