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CFPB Consumer Complaint Database

“The Consumer Complaint Database is a collection of 420,678 complaints, on a range of consumer financial products and services, sent to nearly 3,000 companies for response. We don’t verify all the facts alleged in these complaints, but we take steps to confirm a commercial relationship between the consumer and the company. See publication criteria.  Since we started accepting complaints in July 2011, we’ve helped consumers connect with financial companies to understand issues with their mortgages, fix errors on their credit reports, stop unlawful callsfrom debt collectors, and get direct responses about problems with their credit cards, bank accounts, private student loans, and more. We analyze the data to identify trends and problems in the marketplace to help us do a better job supervising companies, enforcing federal consumer financial laws and writing rules and regulations. We publish reports on complaints and share information with state and federal agencies.

The database updates nightly, and contains certain information for each complaint, including the source of the complaint, the date of submission, and the company the complaint was sent to for response. The database also includes information about the actions taken by the company in response to the complaint, such as, whether the company’s response was timely, how the company responded, and whether the consumer disputed the company’s response. If the consumer opts to share it and after we take steps to remove personal information, we publish the consumer’s description of what happened. Companies also have the option to select a public response.”

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