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Daily Archives: May 29, 2018

US recycling hits a wall – China’s ban on imported waste

The New York Times: Plastics and papers from dozens of American cities and towns are being dumped in landfills after China stopped recycling most “foreign garbage.
“…as part of a broad antipollution campaign, China announced last summer that it no longer wanted to import “foreign garbage.” Since Jan. 1 it has banned imports of various types of plastic and paper, and tightened standards for materials it does accept. While some waste managers already send their recyclable materials to be processed domestically, or are shipping more to other countries, others have been unable to find a substitute for the Chinese market. “All of a sudden, material being collected on the street doesn’t have a place to go,” said Pete Keller, vice president of recycling and sustainability at Republic Services, one of the largest waste managers in the country…Recyclers in Canada, Australia, Britain, Germany and other parts of Europe have also scrambled to find alternatives. Still, across much of the United States, including most major cities, recycling is continuing as usual. Countries like India, Vietnam and Indonesia are importing more of the materials that are not processed domestically. And some waste companies have responded to China’s ban by stockpiling material while looking for new processors, or hoping that China reconsiders its policy. Americans recycle roughly 66 million tons of material each year, according to the most recent figures from the Environmental Protection Agency, about one-third of which is exported. The majority of those exports once went to China, said David Biderman, the executive director of the Solid Waste Association of North America, a research and advocacy group…”

The Safety and Quality of Abortion Care in the United States

National Academies Press: “Abortion is a legal medical procedure that has been provided to millions of American women. Since the Institute of Medicine first reviewed the health implications of national legalized abortion in 1975, there has been a plethora of related scientific research, including well-designed randomized clinical trials, systematic reviews, and epidemiological studies examining abortion… Continue Reading

Personal Data Protection and the EU GDPR

Library of Congress – Personal Data Protection and the EU GDPR May 25, 2018 by Jenny Gesley “Everyone is talking about the European Union‘s (EU) General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) which takes effect today. Recent news reports about misuse of personal data suggest that rules to protect personal data are essential in today’s interconnected (online)… Continue Reading

Rethinking Legal Taxonomies for the Gig Economy

Adams, Abi and Freedman, Judith and Prassl, Jeremias, Rethinking Legal Taxonomies for the Gig Economy: Tax Law, Employment Law, and Economic Incentives (May 1, 2018). Oxford Review of Economic Policy (Forthcoming); Oxford Legal Studies Research Paper No. 12/2018. Available at SSRN: – “Recent labour market changes, from an increase in the number of individuals… Continue Reading

Federal Cybersecurity Risk Determination Report and Action Plan

NextGov: “Many federal agencies don’t know how hackers are targeting them, can’t tell when hackers steal large amounts of their data and aren’t efficiently spending the cybersecurity money they have, according to a report and action plan released last week. Roughly three-quarters of federal agencies’ cybersecurity programs are currently “at risk” or “at high risk,”… Continue Reading

Will Alberto affect your area? Get your local forecast from NOAA’s National Weather Service

NOAA – Heavy Rain from Alberto Continues to Bring Threat of Inland Flooding – “Subtropical Depression Alberto continues to weaken, however, significant rainfall will continue to threaten many areas that are already saturated. Heavy rain may lead to flash flooding, landslides, and falling trees over the next several days. Greatest threats today are in the… Continue Reading

Kissinger opines on AI in The Atlantic

The Atlantic – How the Enlightenment Ends – Philosophically, intellectually—in every way—human society is unprepared for the rise of artificial intelligence. Henry A. Kissinger “…AI research now seeks to bring about a “generally intelligent” AI capable of executing tasks in multiple fields. A growing percentage of human activity will, within a measurable time period, be… Continue Reading

A simple yet powerful tool to support policy analysis and discovery for better decision-making

“The STIP Compass is an initiative of the European Commission and the OECD to collect together in one place quantitative and qualitative data on national trends in science, technology and innovation (STI) policy. The portal supports the continuous monitoring and analysis of countries’ STI policies and aims to become a central platform for policy research… Continue Reading

OECD – The Future of Business Survey

“The Future of Business Survey is a new source of information on small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). Launched in February 2016, the monthly survey – a partnership between Facebook, OECD, and The World Bank – provides timely information on how firms with a digital presence assess the current state and future outlook of their business,… Continue Reading

The irony of #MeToo – change is not evident for so many – on the job

Axios: “It’s not just politics. Tech companies are trying to improve their perpetual gender imbalance, the Financial Times reports, by “training staff in unconscious bias, … insisting that shortlists include women, improving referral incentives, … enhancing maternity rights and showcasing female role models on social media.” BUT BUT– HuffPo: “Everyone Is Missing A Key Reason… Continue Reading