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This Tool Could Protect Your Photos From Facial Recognition

The New York Times – Researchers at the University of Chicago want you to be able to post selfies without worrying that the next Clearview AI will use them to identify you. “…A start-up called Clearview AI…scraped billions of online photos to build a tool for the police that could lead them from a face to a Facebook account, revealing a person’s identity. Now researchers are trying to foil those systems. A team of computer engineers at the University of Chicago has developed a tool that disguises photos with pixel-level changes that confuse facial recognition systems. Named Fawkes in honor of the Guy Fawkes mask favored by protesters worldwide, the software was made available to developers on the researchers’ website last month. After being discovered by Hacker News, it has been downloaded more than 50,000 times. The researchers are working on a free app version for noncoders, which they hope to make available soon…”

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