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Daily Archives: May 24, 2016

Defense Divided: Overcoming the Challenges of Overseas Contingency Operations

Stimson Center: “As the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan have drawn down, the Overseas Contingency Operations (OCO) budget, initially intended for “emergency” war funding, has been used increasingly for purposes far afield of its original design. Despite troop withdrawals and recapitalization of the equipment used in the wars, large amounts of defense spending have continued to be assigned… Continue Reading

Household Debt Steps Up, Delinquencies Drop

“The Federal Reserve Bank of New York’s Household Debt and Credit Report provides a quarterly snapshot of household trends in borrowing and indebtedness, including data about mortgages, student loans, credit cards, auto loans and delinquencies. The report aims to help community groups, small businesses, state and local governments and the public to better understand, monitor… Continue Reading