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Category Archives: Food and Nutrition

Here’s how extreme climate is driving inflation

“TAMPA, Fla. (WFLA) — In today’s Climate Classroom, we will be speaking to William S. Becker, a writer for The Hill, a Nexstar-owned property on climate inflation, better known by its new name “climateflation.” No doubt it’s a new term to most, but it’s very real and it’s already hitting us in the wallet— think homeowners insurance, air conditioning, food and much more. In Florida, it is most noticeable when it comes to recent spikes in homeowners insurance. Floridians pay the most in the nation at an average of $6,000 in 2023 – 42% higher than the year before and are far and above the national average of $1,700. While many factors can help explain this— extreme weather is a big one. We are more exposed to catastrophic damages from hurricanes than any other state. According to Policy Genius, extreme weather is the number one driver of higher insurance premiums across the U.S. Here in Florida, the risk of more frequent stronger hurricanes is on the rise, more people and property are in harm’s way and replacement costs are rising. However, climate inflation is not just limited to homeowners insurance. As summers get hotter, and heat waves hit harder, air conditioning use is going up, not just in Florida but all over the world. A recent study found that for the average U.S. home, the cost of summer cooling has risen from $476 in 2014 to a predicted $719 in 2024 – a 50% increase in just 10 years….While this seems like an obvious impact of climate change, perhaps less obvious is how it impacts the cost of food. The science is unequivocal that heat waves and droughts are becoming more frequent and more intense, which is leading to multiple crop failures all around the world, leading to less supply, and ultimately higher prices.”

FDA Pulls Food Additive in Citrus Sodas Over Health Risks

Gizmodo: “A problematic ingredient in some soft drinks is now officially being taken off the market. The Food and Drug Administration has revoked its authorization that allows brominated vegetable oil (BVO) to be used in food, following recent research suggesting that it could potentially harm people’s thyroid health. BVO is vegetable oil that’s been modified… Continue Reading

Going plastic-free is nearly impossible. These people are trying anyway.

Washington Post:  The global trend of Plastic Free July offers ideas on how to cut back on plastic use at home. “…According to the Plastic Free Foundation, the nonprofit that Prince-Ruiz founded, 89 million people in 190 countries pledged to reduce their plastic use during July last year. The countries with the most participants are… Continue Reading

Global warming and heat extremes to enhance inflationary pressures

Kotz, M., Kuik, F., Lis, E. et al. Global warming and heat extremes to enhance inflationary pressures. Commun Earth Environ 5, 116 (2024). – “Climate impacts on economic productivity indicate that climate change may threaten price stability. Here we apply fixed-effects regressions to over 27,000 observations of monthly consumer price indices worldwide to quantify the… Continue Reading

10 Times as Much of This Toxic Pesticide Could End Up on Your Tomatoes and Celery Under a New EPA Proposal

ProPublica: “When you bite into a piece of celery, there’s a fair chance that it will be coated with a thin film of a toxic pesticide called acephate. The bug killer — also used on tomatoes, cranberries, Brussels sprouts and other fruits and vegetables — belongs to a class of compounds linked to autism, hyperactivity… Continue Reading

Food Waste Index Report 2024

“To catalyse essential action towards reducing food waste and achieving SDG 12.3, it’s imperative to grasp the extent of food waste. Measuring food waste allows countries to comprehend the magnitude of the issue, thereby revealing the size of the opportunity, while establishing a baseline for tracking progress. The Food Waste Index Report 2021 marked a… Continue Reading

Cost of Living by County, 2023

Via Reddit: “Map created by me, an attempt to define cost of living tiers. People often say how they live in a HCOL, MCOL, LCOL area. Source for all data on cost of living dollar amounts by county, with methodology: To summarize, this cost of living calculation is for a “modest yet adequate standard… Continue Reading

Global study revealed world’s biggest known plastic polluters

Washington Post: “Every year, companies produce more than 400 million metric tons of plastic. Some of that plastic spills onto waterways or beaches, clogging streams or floating in huge gyres in the ocean. Some of it breaks down into tiny microplastics or nanoplastics that float in the air and enter human lungs, blood and organs.… Continue Reading

10 Times as Much of This Toxic Pesticide Could End Up on Your Tomatoes and Celery

ProPublica – “Against the guidance of scientific advisory panels, the EPA is relying on industry-backed tests to relax regulations on acephate, which has been linked to neurodevelopmental disorders. “It’s exactly what we recommended against,” one panelist said. When you bite into a piece of celery, there’s a fair chance that it will be coated with… Continue Reading