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AI in Education

Education Next [This is an extensive well documented guide – includes a section on The Importance of Well-Designed Prompts] – The leap into a new era of machine intelligence carries risks and challenges, but also plenty of promise. Over the last year, developers have released a dizzying array of AI tools that can generate text, images, music, and video with no need for complicated coding but simply in response to instructions given in natural language…Uses of AI in Education – In May 2023, the U.S. Department of Education released a report titled Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Teaching and Learning: Insights and Recommendations. The department had conducted listening sessions in 2022 with more than 700 people, including educators and parents, to gauge their views on AI. The report noted that “constituents believe that action is required now in order to get ahead of the expected increase of AI in education technology—and they want to roll up their sleeves and start working together.” People expressed anxiety about “future potential risks” with AI but also felt that “AI may enable achieving educational priorities in better ways, at scale, and with lower costs.” AI could serve—or is already serving—in several teaching-and-learning roles…”

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