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Author Archives: Sabrina I. Pacifici

Appraising our Digital Investment: Sustainability of Digitized Special Collections in ARL Libraries

Appraising our Digital Investment: Sustainability of Digitized Special Collections in ARL Libraries – A Report from Ithaka S+R and the Association of Research Libraries. Nancy L. Maron, Ithaka S+R, Sarah Pickle, Ithaka S+R. February 2013 “Special collections have long been a vital part of libraries, offering users access to rare or archival materials and creating… Continue Reading

FDIC-Insured Institutions Earned $34.7 Billion in The Fourth Quarter of 2012

News release: “Commercial banks and savings institutions insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) reported aggregate net income of $34.7 billion in the fourth quarter of 2012, a $9.3 billion (36.9 percent) improvement from the $25.3 billion in profits the industry reported in the fourth quarter of 2011. This is the 14th quarter in… Continue Reading

Public.Resource.Org's FedFlix – view government videotapes on the web

“FedFlix is a joint venture with the National Technical Information Service (NTIS) in cooperation with other government agencies including the National Archives. They send us government videotapes, we upload them to the Internet Archive, YouTube, and our own public domain stock footage video library — then we send the government back their videotapes and a… Continue Reading

FDIC Quarterly Banking Profile

Quarterly Banking Profile – February 26, 2013: “The fourth quarter 2012 comprehensive summary of financial results for all FDIC-insured institutions have been released.” See also – “QBP Statistics at a Glance provides the latest quarterly and historical data for FDIC-insured institutions, the Deposit Insurance Fund, and the number of FDIC employees beginning with the June… Continue Reading

CRS – Insourcing Functions Performed by Federal Contractors: Legal Issues

Insourcing Functions Performed by Federal Contractors: Legal Issues, Kate M. Manuel, Legislative Attorney – Jack Maskell, Legislative Attorney. February 22, 2013 “Recent Congresses and the Obama Administration have taken numerous actions to promote “insourcing,” or the use of government personnel to perform functions that contractors have performed on behalf of federal agencies. Among other things,… Continue Reading

FTC Releases Top 10 Complaint Categories for 2012

Identity Theft Tops List for 13th Consecutive Year in Report of National Consumer Complaints “Identity theft is once more the top complaint received by the Federal Trade Commission, which has released its 2012 annual report of complaints. 2012 marks the first year in which the FTC received more than 2 million complaints overall, and 369,132,… Continue Reading

ACLU – New Document Sheds Light on Government’s Ability to Search iPhones

“Cell phone searches are a common law enforcement tool, but up until now, the public has largely been in the dark regarding how much sensitive information the government can get with this invasive surveillance technique. A document submitted to court in connection with a drug investigation, which we recently discovered, provides a rare inventory of… Continue Reading

Census Report Shows 30 Percent of Adults Receiving Government Assistance Have a Disability

News release: “Among the 46.0 million adults who received income-based government assistance in 2011, 30.4 percent of them had a disability, according to a report released today from the U.S. Census Bureau. The report, Disability Characteristics of Income-Based Government Assistance Recipients in the United States: 2011, offers information about the occurrence of disabilities among people… Continue Reading

Speech – Simplicity, risk sensitivity and comparability: the regulatory balancing act

Simplicity, risk sensitivity and comparability: the regulatory balancing act (speech by Wayne Byres Secretary General Basel Committee on Banking Supervision) BCBS-EMEAP-FSI High-Level Meeting 25–26 February 2013, Seoul, Korea: “But as anyone knows who has built, supervised or just tried to understand internal risk models within a bank, they are not simple. They are, of course,… Continue Reading

New GAO Reports – Border Patrol, Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, Southwest Border Security, GAO and Sequestration

Border Patrol – Goals and Measures Not Yet in Place to Inform Border Security Status and Resource Needs, http://GAO-13-330T, Feb 26, 2013 Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act – Effect on Long-Term Federal Budget Outlook Largely Depends on Whether Cost Containment Sustained, GAO-13-281, Jan 31, 2013 Southwest Border Security – Data Are Limited and Concerns… Continue Reading

An Assessment of the Prospects for Inertial Fusion Energy

“The potential for using fusion energy to produce commercial electric power was first explored in the 1950s. Harnessing fusion energy offers the prospect of a nearly carbon-free energy source with a virtually unlimited supply of fuel. Unlike nuclear fission plants, appropriately designed fusion power plants would not produce the large amounts of high-level nuclear waste… Continue Reading