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Author Archives: Sabrina I. Pacifici

EFF: UK Government Proposes Law Monitoring Every Email, Phone Call, and Text Message

EFF: “On Sunday, the United Kingdom’s Prime Minister David Cameron and the Interior Ministry were forced to defend a sweeping wiretapping proposal, which would aim to monitor every single email, text message, and phone call flowing through the whole country. The proposal would likely force all UK Internet Service Providers (ISPs) to install “black boxes”… Continue Reading

How Does the Benefit Value of Medicare Compare to the Benefit Value of Typical Large Employer Plans?

How Does the Benefit Value of Medicare Compare to the Benefit Value of Typical Large Employer Plans?: A 2012 Update. The study is authored by researchers at the Kaiser Family Foundation and Aon Hewitt. “This study compares the value of Medicare’s fee-for-service benefits last year with the value of benefits in two large employer health… Continue Reading

Progress report on Basel III implementation and procedures for conducting country reviews published by Basel Committee

Progress report on Basel III implementation (update published in April 2012) “This updated Progress report on Basel III implementation provides a high-level view of Basel Committee members’ progress in adopting Basel II, Basel 2.5 and Basel III, as of end March 2012. It focuses on the status of domestic rule-making processes to ensure that the… Continue Reading

OECD: Identification and Quantification of the Proceeds of Bribery

Identification and Quantification of the Proceeds of Bribery, A joint OECD-StAR analysis, Revised edition, February 2012 “This study focuses on the identification and quantification of the proceeds of active bribery. It was undertaken as a joint effort between the OECD Working Group on Bribery in International Business Transactions (Working Group) and the World Bank-UNODC Stolen… Continue Reading

One year Anniversary of CPSC Consumer Safety Information Database’s First Postings

“Consumer Federation of America (CFA), Kids In Danger (KID) and Consumers Union (CU) mark the one year anniversary of the posting of consumer reports on the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission’s (CPSC) consumer database,, that allows people to share and access safety information about the products they own and consider buying. To mark the… Continue Reading

Afghanistan: Politics, Elections, and Government Performance

CRS: Afghanistan: Politics, Elections, and Government Performance, Kenneth Katzman, Specialist in Middle Eastern Affairs, March 30, 2012 “There is concern among many observers that U.S. efforts to help build Afghan governance, democracy, civil society, and rule of law could founder as the United States and its partners seek to wind down, wholly or in large… Continue Reading

Pew: When Labels Don’t Fit: Hispanics and Their Views of Identity

When Labels Don’t Fit: Hispanics and Their Views of Identity – by Paul Taylor, Mark Hugo Lopez, Jessica Hamar Martínez and Gabriel Velasco, April 4, 2012 “Nearly four decades after the United States government mandated the use of the terms “Hispanic” or “Latino” to categorize Americans who trace their roots to Spanish-speaking countries, a new… Continue Reading

EPIC Urges Court to Affirm Privacy Protections for Home Wi-Fi Networks

“EPIC has filed an amicus brief in the Ninth Circuit urging the court to affirm legal protections for users of home Wi-Fi networks. In Joffe v. Google, the plaintiffs sued Google for the interception and capture of private communications transferred over residential Wi-Fi networks. Google argued that it should be exempt from liability under the… Continue Reading