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CRS – Reducing the Budget Deficit: The President's Fiscal Commission and Other Initiatives

CRS — Reducing the Budget Deficit: The President’s Fiscal Commission and Other Initiatives. April 29, 2011 – R41784

  • “The federal budget is on an unsustainable path. Though deficit levels are currently elevated, they are expected to fall towards the middle part of the decade as the economic recovery continues. Looking beyond this decade, however, the country’s fiscal outlook becomes more bleak as spending on programs like Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid, and net interest are projected to consume a larger portion of the total federal budget. Budget policy debates thus far in the 112th Congress have centered on how to achieve meaningful deficit reduction and implementation of a plan to stabilize the federal debt. Various views and opinions exist about how to improve the long-term fiscal outlook, specifically centered around which programs should be prioritized or sacrificed. Delays in taking corrective action will exacerbate the size of the changes that need to be made. At the extreme, if no actions are taken, the United States risks a significant economic crisis and the government may be limited in its ability to address these challenges. Any choices that are made to address the budgetary imbalances have important economic, social, and generational impacts in the present and the future. In order to undertake any substantive
    changes to the federal policies and programs, sacrifices to favored programs and increases in taxes will likely be required. The sacrifices made today are essential to minimizing the size of potential programmatic cuts or tax increases, reducing the probability of a future crisis, and ensuring an improved standard of living for future generations.”
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