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DHS OIG: Security of Air Cargo During Ground Transportation

OIG-10-09 – Security of Air Cargo During Ground Transportation (Redacted) (PDF, 39 pages), November 2009

  • “Security Administration’s efforts to secure air cargo while it is handled or transported on the ground, prior to being shipped on passenger aircraft. The Transportation Security Administration could improve its efforts to secure air cargo during ground handling and transportation. We determined that personnel were sometimes accessing, handling, or transporting air cargo without the required background checks or training. For example, of the drivers we tested were handling or transporting air cargo without the required background checks. We also reviewed drivers’ records and identified that 23% did not satisfy the required training and testing requirements. The agency’s inspection process has not been effective in ensuring that requirements for securing air cargo during ground transportation are understood or followed. The inspection process has focused on quantity rather than outcomes and ensuring corrective actions. Automated tools to assist inspectors in analyzing results and focusing their oversight efforts on high-risk areas in air cargo security were not adequate. As a result, air cargo is vulnerable to the introduction of explosives and other destructive items before it is loaded onto planes, potentially creating risks for the traveling public.”
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