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DVD Code Copying Decision from CA Supreme Court

Today, the California Supreme Court issued a decision (53 pages, pfd) in DVD Copy Control Inc. v. Andrew Bunner, resolving “the apparent conflict between California’s trade secret law and the free speech clauses of the United States and California Constitutions.” Thanks to Jim Tyre for the heads-up.

  • For reference, see this EFF press release: “The California Supreme Court ruled today that publication of information regarding the decoding of DVDs merits a strong level of protection as free speech and sent a key case back to a lower court for a decision on whether a court can prevent Andrew Bunner from publishing this information, whether on the Internet, on a T-shirt, or elsewhere.”
  • the DVD-CCA v. Bunner archive
  • and this article from 5/30/03: California High Court Hears Clash of Speech, Trade Secrets Law.
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