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Election Assistance Commission Prepares to Launch Voting System Test Lab Program

“The U.S. Election Assistance Commission (EAC) today heard testimony during a public meeting about the launch of its accreditation program for laboratories that test voting systems, including discussion about the first two labs that will be considered for accreditation. The Commission also voted to stop accepting applications or additional information related to pending applications to its interim test laboratory accreditation program, effective March 5, 2007, citing the onset of the full accreditation program… After the EAC review, the Commission will vote regarding full accreditation. For more information about the NIST/NVLAP accreditation process and to view related documents, visit”

  • Related postings on e-voting
  • See also the E-Poll Book Improvement Act of 2007 (Introduced in House), January 31, 2007
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