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Environmental Working Group – 286 Sunscreens Exposed: Nine Surprising Truths

“286 Sunscreens Exposed: Nine Surprising Truths – Sunscreens prevent sunburns, but beyond that simple fact surprisingly little is known about the safety and efficacy of these ubiquitous creams and sprays. EWG’s review of the latest research unearthed troubling facts that might tempt you to give up on sunscreens altogether. That’s not the right answer. Despite the unknowns about sunscreens’ efficacy, public health agencies still recommend using them, just not as your first line of defense against the sun. At EWG we use sunscreens, but we look for shade, wear protective clothing and avoid the noontime sun before we smear on the cream. Here are the surprising facts…”

  • American Academy of Dermatoloty: Sunscreen remains a safe, effective form of sun protection
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