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FCC Closes ‘Lead Generator’ Robocall Loophole & Adopts Robotexts Rules

December 13, 2023 — “The Federal Communications Commission today adopted new rules to further protect consumers from scam communications by directly addressing some of the biggest vulnerabilities in America’s robotext defenses and closing the “lead generator” robocall/robotexts loophole. The new rules allow blocking of “red flagged” robotexting numbers, codifies do-not-call rules for texting, and encourages an opt-in approach for delivering email-to-text messages. [h/t Pete Weiss]

  • Combating Robotext Sources – The new rules allow the FCC to “red flag” certain numbers, requiring mobile carriers to block texts from those numbers. The rules also codify that Do-Not-Call list protections apply to text messaging, making it illegal for marketing texts to be sent to numbers on the registry. And the order encourages providers to make email-to-text messages an opt-in service, which would limit the effectiveness of a major source of unwanted and illegal text messages.
  • Closing the Lead Generator Loophole – The new rules close a loophole through which unscrupulous robocallers and robotexters inundate consumers with unwanted and illegal robocalls and robotexts. The new rules make it unequivocally clear that comparison shopping websites and lead generators must obtain consumer consent to receive robocalls and robotexts one seller at a time – rather than have a single consent apply to multiple telemarketers at once.
  • Groundwork for Future Steps – In addition to the rules, the Commission also proposed and will take public comment on additional steps it might take against robotexts. This notice proposes additional blocking requirements when the FCC notifies a provider of a likely scam text-generating number. The Commission will also seek further comment on text message authentication – modeled on the successful implementation of STIR/SHAKEN protocols for phone calls – including on the status of any industry standards in development. The notice also proposes requiring, rather than simply encouraging, providers to make email-to-text services opt-in.”
  • See also FCC In the Matter of Implications of Artificial Intelligence Technologies on Protecting Consumers from Unwanted Robocalls and Robotexts

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