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Increasing Vulnerability to Hurricanes: Global Warming’s Wake-Up Call for the U.S. Gulf and Atlantic Coasts

World Wildlife Fund – Increasing Vulnerability to Hurricanes: Global Warming’s Wake-Up Call for the U.S. Gulf and Atlantic Coasts

  • “The destructive potential of tropical storms in the North Atlantic has increased by about 50 percent since the 1970s. This increase, which primarily reflects longer storm lifetimes and greater storm intensities, is correlated with an increase of 0.9 to
    1.3 degrees fahrenheit in sea-surface temperatures in the main development area for tropical storms in the North Atlantic. In addition, the heights of big waves—those higher than about 10 feet
    that are likely to be present during strong storms—have increased by 20 percent along the eastern United States during hurricane season since the late 1970s, augmenting the overall storm-related hazards for coastal communities and habitats.”

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