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Latinos in US get their news from social media, exposing them to risks

International Journalists’ Network: “Latinos in the U.S. who use social media in Spanish are more likely to believe disinformation when they come across it, according to new research about the news consumption habits of Latino communities.  Among the false narratives that have spread widely are the “Big Lie” that U.S. President Joe Biden did not win the 2020 election, found the report’s authors, professors Jonathan Nagler, co-director of New York University’s Center for Social Media, and Marisa Abrajano, of the University of California San Diego. Latinos are the largest racial and ethnic minority in the U.S., with more than 60 million living in the country today. However, little research has been conducted to understand Latinos’ online information consumption habits and how those habits shape their political opinions and behavior. The resulting gap in information limits the ability of key stakeholders – from politicians and academics, to leaders of civil society groups, and directors of Spanish-language media organizations (like me) – to understand the diversity of this key political group in the run-up to the 2024 elections and beyond.  The study, titled Understanding Media Habits & Engaging Latino Communities, is the largest, most comprehensive study on this topic published to date. It yields insightful results that journalists should consider as they work to counter disinformation among Latino communities…”

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