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New Analysis Quantifies Economic Impact of Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative in Ten States

News release: “In a new report, The Economic Impacts of the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative on Ten Northeast and Mid-Atlantic States, Analysis Group researchers have quantified the economic benefits from implementation of a multistate regional greenhouse gas initiative. The study, which will be the focus of an article in The Electricity Journal (December 2011), examines the impact of investments made by 10 states that participate in the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative, or RGGI, in its first three years of existence. It is the first report to measure the economic impact of such a program across all states in the region by focusing on the actual impacts of economic activity, using a rigorous “follow the money” approach and well-established modeling tools and methods. The Analysis Group team – Managing Principal Susan F. Tierney, Vice President Paul J. Hibbard, Manager Andrea M. Okie, and Associate Pavel G. Darling – “tracked the path of RGGI-related dollars as they leave the pockets of generators who buy CO2 allowances, show up in electricity prices and customer bills, make their way into state expenditure accounts, and then roll out into the economy.”

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