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Intelligence Cmte’s investigation of interrogation techniques

The New Yorker – To expose torture, Dianne Feinstein fought the C.I.A. -and the White House, June 22, 2015. “Dianne Feinstein, the Democratic senator from California, is making a late career of not quite pleasing anyone. After five decades in politics, Feinstein, at eighty-one, is the oldest sitting member of the Senate, where a late… Continue Reading

Government Credentials on the Open Web

Follow up to Massive hack of federal personnel files included security-clearance database – related news – “Recorded Future identified the possible exposures of login credentials for 47 United States government agencies across 89 unique domains. As of early 2015, 12 of these agencies allowed some of their users access to computer networks with no form of two-factor… Continue Reading

Net Stable Funding Ratio disclosure standards

Bank for International Settlements, June 22, 2015: “Disclosure requirements for the Net Stable Funding Ratio (“NSFR”) have been developed to improve the transparency of regulatory funding requirements, reinforce the Principles for sound liquidity risk management and supervision, strengthen market discipline, and reduce uncertainty in the markets as the NSFR standard is implemented. Similar to the LCR disclosure framework, and to promote the… Continue Reading

Placing Bank Supervision in the Central Bank

Melecky, Martin and Podpiera, Anca Maria, Placing Bank Supervision in the Central Bank: Implications for Financial Stability Based on Evidence from the Global Crisis (June 22, 2015). World Bank Policy Research Working Paper No. 7320. Available for download at SSRN: “Although keeping bank supervision independent from macroprudential supervision may ensure more checks and balances, placing… Continue Reading

The Role of Law Schools in Helping to Create a Just Society

Rapping, Jonathan, Grooming Tomorrow’s Change Agents: The Role of Law Schools in Helping to Create a Just Society (June 22, 2015). Available for download at SSRN: “Numerous authorities have lamented the fact that America’s criminal justice system is broken. To address this crisis, experts have proposed a range of policy proscriptions. But these proposals overlook… Continue Reading

OPM IG Report – Infrastructure and IT Controls Improvement

“The U.S. Office of Personnel Management (OPM) Office of the Inspector General (OIG) is issuing this Flash Audit Alert to bring to your immediate attention serious concerns we have regarding the Office of the Chief Information Officer’ s (OCIO) infrastructure improvement project (Project). This Project includes a full overhaul ofthe agency’s technical infrastructure by implementing additional information technology… Continue Reading

Survey – financial insecurity rises in America “Wages may be on the rise, but a record-high percentage of Americans still aren’t socking away those gains for life’s unexpected crises. When asked about their emergency savings, 29 percent of Americans reported they had none, according to a survey that accompanied Bankrate’s Financial Security Index for June. That’s the highest level in five years… Continue Reading

Study – Major ISPs degrading internet speed to US users

The Guardian: “Major internet providers, including AT&T, Time Warner and Verizon, are slowing data from popular websites to thousands of US businesses and residential customers in dozens of cities across the country, according to a study released on [June 22, 2015]. The study, conducted by internet activists BattlefortheNet, looked at the results from 300,000 internet users and found… Continue Reading

Health Care Coverage and Access for Men, 2013-2015

Kaiser Foundation: “This Visualizing Health Policy infographic provides a snapshot of men’s health care and insurance coverage issues, including health status, access to care and use of services. It compares the uninsured rates of men and women, their cost barriers to care, their connection to clinicians, and their use of prescription drugs, screening, and counseling services. Fewer… Continue Reading