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Social Metadata for Libraries, Archives and Museums, Part 3: Recommendations and Readings

Social Metadata for Libraries, Archives and Museums, Part 3: Recommendations and Readings, Karen Smith-Yoshimura OCLC Research and Rose Holley National Library of Australia

  • “Social media tools are needed to generate user-contributed content, which includes “social metadata”— information from users that helps people find, understand, or evaluate a site’s content. Social media and social metadata overlap; you cannot have social metadata without the social media functions that create it. Your objectives will determine which of the following recommendations apply. What’s needed to support a Facebook presence differs from what you’ll need to integrate social metadata and other user-generated content into your own site. We believe it is riskier to do nothing and become irrelevant to your user communities than to start using social media features. Given the wide variety of cultural heritage organizations, and the range of objectives and resources available, there is no one recommendation that would fit all types of institutions.”
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