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Top 20 charts of 2023

Kevin Drum: “Unlike the photos, I had no problem finding ten interesting charts. In fact, I found 20. So at the risk of taking a good thing too far, here are the top 20 most interesting charts of 2023. By the way: by “interesting,” I mostly mean “something you might find surprising.”…

9. Americans don’t think the economy sucks. Only Republicans do. It’s commonplace to stare into our navels these days and wonder why people are so sour on the economy even though the economy is pretty good. One reason is that inflation was high until very recently, and it takes a while for people to realize that it’s over. But the main reason is simpler: Republicans, even though they’re personally doing fine, refuse to admit that the economy under Joe Biden is good—which brings down the national average. This is due more to Fox News than to anything objectively wrong with the economy.”

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