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Daily Archives: January 9, 2008

Census Bureau Releases Poverty Estimates for States, Counties and School Districts

Census press release: “The U.S. Census Bureau today released 2005 poverty estimates for each of the nation’s almost 14,000 Title I-eligible school districts. The estimates are produced in order for the Department of Education to implement provisions of the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001. The school district data, part of the Small Area Income and Poverty Estimates, are contained in data tables showing the number of poor children ages 5 to 17 in families.”

Updated Fact Sheets on Women's Health Insurance Coverage from the Kaiser Family Foundation

“The Women’s Health Insurance Coverage Fact Sheet provides new statistics on health coverage and describes the major sources of health insurance for non-elderly adult women, including employer-sponsored coverage, Medicaid, individually purchased insurance, and Medicare. It also summarizes the major policy challenges facing women in obtaining health coverage, and provides data on the more than 17… Continue Reading

Election Technology Council Releases Industry Guidelines for Safeguarding the Vote in 2008

Press release: “The Election Technology Council today announced the release of industry guidelines outlining best practices for election officials to adopt in response to potential and perceived threats to electronic voting systems. In releasing the guidelines, David Beirne, Executive Director of the Election Technology Council, said, “The Council recognizes that no voting technology is invulnerable,… Continue Reading

Status of Protection for Polar Bears Remains Unresolved

Follow up on January 7, 2008 posting Federal Fish and Wildlife Statement for Polar Bear Decision, additional information and links. San Francisco Chronicle: Groups cite oil leases in U.S. delay on rating polar bear’s status, by Jane Kay: “Environmental groups fear that political meddling and a rush to sell oil leases in Arctic waters are… Continue Reading

DOJ FOIA Post: Congress Passes Amendments to the FOIA

“For the first time in well over a decade, Congress has enacted amendments to the Freedom of Information Act. No changes to the Act’s nine exemptions were made. Rather, the amendments address a range of procedural issues impacting FOIA administration, including the codification of several provisions of Executive Order 13,392, “Improving Agency Disclosure of Information.”… Continue Reading

Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee: Work to Secure the Nation Since September 11, 2001

Quick Guide to The Committee’s Work to Secure the Nation Since September 11, 2001: “The Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee is working with single minded vigor to strengthen the security of Americans here at home. Since the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, the Committee has originated a series of bipartisan legislative initiatives enacted… Continue Reading