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Daily Archives: November 21, 2010

New on – "The FDsys": the new GPO Access

“The FDsys”: the new GPO Access – “GPO Access will be going away soon as the U.S. Government Printing Office rolls out the Federal Digital System (FDsys), an advanced digital system that will enable GPO to manage Government information from all three branches of the U.S. Government. Learn about the new system and its features, what content is available through it, and search strategies. Not only is FDsys a powerful tool for the public to access online, authoritative Federal information, but it also serves as a preservation repository for the content and a content management system for Federal agencies.”

FBI Hate Crime Statistics, 2009 Report

News release: “Today, the FBI released 2009 statistics which indicated that 6,604 criminal incidents involving 7,789 offenses were reported as a result of bias toward a particular race, religion, sexual orientation, ethnicity/national origin, or physical or mental disability. Hate Crime Statistics, 2009, published by the FBI’s Uniform Crime Reporting Program, includes data from hate crime… Continue Reading

CRS: Afghanistan: U.S. Rule of Law and Justice Sector Assistance

Afghanistan: U.S. Rule of Law and Justice Sector Assistance, Liana Sun Wyler Analyst in International Crime and Narcotics – Kenneth Katzman, Specialist in Middle Eastern Affairs, November 9, 2010 [via FAS] “Developing effective Afghan justice sector institutions is considered by many observers to be essential in winning the support of the Afghan population, improving the… Continue Reading

New TSA Sreening Procedures for Pilots Rolling Out

Follow up to previous postings on government implementation of whole body scanning technology at airports, this news release: “The Air Line Pilots Association, Int’l (ALPA), welcomed the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) announcement of expedited screening for airline pilots as important action to move the nation toward a threat-based strategy that focuses security resources where the… Continue Reading

A Proposal for Reviving U.S. Manufacturing and Creating Millions of Good Jobs

Reindustrialiazing America – A Proposal for Reviving U.S. Manufacturing and Creating Millions of Good Jobs, by Robert Pollin and Dean Baker, New Labor Forum 19(2): 17-34, Spring 2010 “The U.S. economy faces enormous questions and challenges in attempting to recover from the collapse of 2008-2009. Some of the most pressing questions are short term and… Continue Reading

SEC Proposes Rules on Security-Based Swap Reporting

Fact Sheet: “The Securities and Exchange Commission today voted unanimously to propose new rules entailing how security-based swap transactions should be reported and publicly disseminated. The rules are proposed under Title VII of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act, which generally authorizes the SEC to regulate security-based swaps. The proposed rules (Regulation… Continue Reading