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Daily Archives: March 9, 2013

Cory Doctorow for Freedom to Read Week

Libraries, Hackspaces and E-waste: how libraries can be the hub of a young maker revolution: ” Every discussion of libraries in the age of austerity always includes at least one blowhard who opines, “What do we need libraries for? We’ve got the Internet now!” Facepalm. The problem is that Mr. Blowhard has confused a library with a book depository. Now, those are useful, too, but a library isn’t just (or even necessarily) a place where you go to get books for free. Public libraries have always been places where skilled information professionals assisted the general public with the eternal quest to understand the world. Historically, librarians have sat at the coalface between the entire universe of published material and patrons, choosing books with at least a colorable claim to credibility, carefully cataloging and shelving them, and then assisting patrons in understanding how to synthesize the material contained therein.”

Coalition for the Homeless – Basic Facts About Homelessness

“Coalition for the Homeless provides up-to-date information on New York City’s homeless population. In recent years, homelessness in New York City has reached the highest levels since the Great Depression. You can find detailed information about homelessness — including comprehensive statistics and historical data — at the following pages: Basic Facts About Homelessness: New York… Continue Reading

SIPRI Top 100 arms-producing and military services companies in the world excluding China, 2011

Stockholm International Peace Research Institute: “The SIPRI Top 100 lists the world’s 100 largest arms-producing and military services companies (excluding Chinese companies)[a], ranked by their arms sales in 2011. The list is based on the comprehensive SIPRI Arms Industry Database, which contains financial and employment data on the world’s major arms-producing and military services companies.” Continue Reading