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Daily Archives: December 26, 2023

U.S. SARS-CoV-2 Wastewater Levels, COVID-19 Case Estimates

Pandemic Epidemic Collaborative  4-Week Forecast – General Commentary – “We are in the 8th U.S. COVID wave and 2nd biggest all-time, barring any atypical downward corrections of wastewater levels. We have surpassed the best estimates of the initial COVID wave, the first winter, the Delta wave, and the most recent late-summer wave. Any claims that the “pandemic is over” or “COVID is over” run contrary to stated evidence, will inflict much harm, and should be labeled misinformation. U.S. wastewater levels indicate that COVID transmission is higher than during 94.7% of the days of the pandemic and lower than during 5.3% of the days of the pandemic.

  • 3.46% (1 in 29) are infectious
  • 1.6 million COVID cases/day
  • 80,000 Long Covid cases/day

Weekly new cases stand at 11.6 million. Weekly long COVID cases resulting from these infections stand at >0.5 million. Nearly 1 in 3 Americans will get infected during the peak 2 months of this winter surge. That’s 105 million infections total. Over half of infections will occur after the peak, which is why it remains important to encourage vaccination among people who are delayed.”

America Lost Its One Perfect Tree

The Atlantic: Lumber, shelter, delicious nuts—there was nothing the American chestnut couldn’t provide. [read free] “Across the Northeast, forests are haunted by the ghosts of American giants. A little more than a century ago, these woods brimmed with American chestnuts—stately Goliaths that could grow as high as 130 feet tall and more than 10 feet… Continue Reading

How to investigate companies – UK

Online Journalism Blog – recommendations from Graham Barrow: “Start with Companies House – Companies House is where all the businesses based in the UK need to be registered. It is fully transparent, open, and free. Check the basics of a company: who are the directors? Does the company have real activity? A website? If a company… Continue Reading

Tips for Your “24 for 2024” List

Gretchen Rubin: “Every very year, on the Happier with Gretchen Rubin podcast, my sister Elizabeth and I do the Happier Trifecta to set ourselves up for the new year. Many people don’t like making New Year’s resolutions, and the exercises of the Trifecta offer a fun (and still effective) alternative. The Trifecta for 2024: One-word… Continue Reading

The Low Down on the Greatest Dictionary Collection in the World

Atlas Obscura: From “unabridged” to “slanguage,” Madeline Kripke’s library is a logophile’s heaven (or hell). “Madeline Kripke’s first dictionary was a copy of Webster’s Collegiate that her parents gave her when she was a fifth grader in Omaha in the early 1950s. By the time of her death in 2020, at age 76, she had… Continue Reading