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Author Archives: Sabrina I. Pacifici

CBO Analyzes Effects of Fiscal Restraint Scheduled Under Current Law

Economic Effects of Reducing the Fiscal Restraint That Is Scheduled to Occur in 2013, May 22, 2012 “Policymakers are facing difficult trade-offs in formulating the nation’s fiscal policies. On the one hand, if the fiscal policies currently in place are continued in coming years, the revenues collected by the federal government will fall far short… Continue Reading

Center for Naval Analyses – Estimating climate change effects on installation energy use

Estimating climate change effects on installation energy use – Ronald Filadelfo • Jonathon Mintz • Daniel Carvell • Alan Marcus, May 1, 2012 “We downscaled large regional-scale climate change forecasts to forecasts of temperature change for the immediate areas of military installations. Based on these expected temperature changes, we estimated how installation energy demand for… Continue Reading

Leveraging Data Analytics in Federal Organizations

Leveraging Data Analytics in Federal Organizations: “Data analytics is a powerful tool that can help government agencies reduce fraud, waste and abuse. The commercial sector has used data analytics for years to improve decision making, achieve better financial outcomes and improve customer service. The use of data analytics is growing at a rapid rate. The… Continue Reading

CMS – Projected Medicare Expenditures under Illustrative Scenarios with Alternative Payment Updates to Medicare Providers

CMS – “In the 2012 Annual Report of the Board of Trustees of the Federal Hospital Insurance and Federal Supplementary Medical Insurance Trust Funds, the Board warns that “Medicare’s actual future costs are highly uncertain and are likely to exceed those shown by the current-law projections.” The Trustees Report is necessarily based on current law;… Continue Reading

Canadian Oil Sands: Life-Cycle Assessments of Greenhouse Gas Emissions

CRS – Canadian Oil Sands: Life-Cycle Assessments of Greenhouse Gas Emissions. Richard K. Lattanzio, Analyst in Environmental Policy, May 15, 201s “Recent congressional interest in U.S. energy policy has focused in part on ways through which the United States could secure more economical and reliable crude oil resources both domestically and internationally. Many forecasters identify… Continue Reading

Not Coming to America: Why the US is Falling Behind in the Global Race for Talent

Not Coming to America: Why the US is Falling Behind in the Global Race for Talent – May 22, 2012, “is a first-ever comparative study of the immigration reforms other countries employ to boost their economies and lure the high and low-skilled workers needed for continued economic growth. The report by the Partnership for a… Continue Reading

NIH study finds sigmoidoscopy reduces colorectal cancer rates

News release: “Flexible sigmoidoscopy, a screening test for colorectal cancer that is less invasive and has fewer side effects than colonoscopy, is effective in reducing the rates of new cases and deaths due to colorectal cancer, according to research sponsored by the National Cancer Institute, part of the National Institutes of Health. In a study… Continue Reading

Google Search Education

Help your students become better searchers: “Web search can be a remarkable tool for students, and a bit of instruction in how to search for academic sources will help your students become critical thinkers and independent learners. With the materials on this site, you can help your students become skilled searchers- whether they’re just starting… Continue Reading

Government Auditing Standards, December 2011 Revision

Government Auditing Standards, December 2011 Revision (GAO-12-331G) Electronic version – (241 pages, PDF): “The December 2011 Revision is the final version of the 2011 Government Auditing Standards. It supersedes the 2011 Internet Version. The December 2011 Revision contains limited changes made since the Internet Version was posted. These include: (1) clarification of references to the… Continue Reading

New GAO Reports: Consumer Product Safety, CFPB Controls, Small Employer Health Tax Credit

Consumer Product Safety Commission – A More Active Role in Voluntary Standards Development Should Be Considered, GAO-12-582, May 21, 2012 Management Report – Opportunities for Improvement in the Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection’s Internal Controls and Accounting Procedures, GAO-12-528R, May 21, 2012 Small Employer Health Tax Credit – Factors Contributing to Low Use and Complexity,… Continue Reading

EU Announces Preliminary Conclusions on Google Antitrust Investigation

News release, Joaquín Almunia Vice President of the European Commission responsible for Competition Policy: “In November 2010, the Commission launched an antitrust investigation into allegations that Google had abused a dominant market position. This followed a number of complaints. We have looked at those complaints and at others we received since the opening. And we… Continue Reading

The Little Green Data Book – comprehensive data on more than 200 countries’ natural capital

News release: “For many low-income countries, natural capital is a critical asset, making up nearly 36 percent of their total wealth. The poorest communities depend on oceans, forests, and soil productivity for their daily existence, and as they grow, the pressure on land and water is increasing, threatening ecosystems and livelihoods in countries with few… Continue Reading