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Author Archives: Sabrina I. Pacifici

The Little Green Data Book provides comprehensive data on more than 200 countries’'natural capital

News release: “For many low-income countries, natural capital is a critical asset, making up nearly 36 percent of their total wealth. The poorest communities depend on oceans, forests, and soil productivity for their daily existence, and as they grow, the pressure on land and water is increasing, threatening ecosystems and livelihoods in countries with few… Continue Reading

New on – FOIA Facts: Things Requesters Should Know

via LLRX – FOIA Facts: Things Requesters Should Know: FOIA expert Scott A. Hodes shares his professional experience working with FOIA Analysts, and their perspective on how they make the FOIA process smoother in regard to their relationships with requesters. This however is a double edged coin – FOIA requesters can also take specific steps… Continue Reading

CRS – Legislative History Research: A Basic Guide

Legislative History Research: A Basic Guide, Julia Taylor – Section Head – ALD Section and Information Research Specialist, June 15, 2011 “This report provides an overview of federal legislative history research, the legislative process, and where to find congressional documents. The report also summarizes some of the reasons researchers are interested in legislative history, briefly… Continue Reading

Federal Reserve Board Data – Industrial Production and Capacity Utilization – G.17

Federal Reserve Statistical Release, May 16, 2012: “Industrial production increased 1.1 percent in April. Output is now reported to have fallen 0.6 percent in March and to have moved up 0.4 percent in February; previously, industrial production was estimated to have been unchanged in both months. Manufacturing output increased 0.6 percent in April after having… Continue Reading

Google Scholar Gets a New Look

Google Scholar Blog: “We’ve recently been experimenting with a new modern look for Scholar search results. Many of you have already tried the new look and have offered valuable suggestions, which we’ve done our best to incorporate. Thank you for your time and patience! It is time…to launch the new modern look of our search… Continue Reading

Inclusive Green Growth: The Pathway to Sustainable Development,

“To get to sustainable development, we need well-designed, inclusive green growth policies that can improve social welfare for all, promote careful stewardship of natural resources, and respect the delicate balance of the planet. In the 2012 report Inclusive Green Growth: The Pathway to Sustainable Development, World Bank economists set out an economic argument and framework… Continue Reading

Vermont is first state to ban fracking – will others follow?

Follow up to previous postings on fracking, news that Vermont became the first state to ban the practice – Gov. Peter Shumlin: “This bill, [H. 464 – An act relating to hydraulic fracturing wells for natural gas and oil production], will ensure we do not inject chemicals into groundwater in a desperate pursuit for energy.… Continue Reading

Environmental Working Group – 286 Sunscreens Exposed: Nine Surprising Truths

“286 Sunscreens Exposed: Nine Surprising Truths – Sunscreens prevent sunburns, but beyond that simple fact surprisingly little is known about the safety and efficacy of these ubiquitous creams and sprays. EWG’s review of the latest research unearthed troubling facts that might tempt you to give up on sunscreens altogether. That’s not the right answer. Despite… Continue Reading

The Organic Watergate – White Paper

The Organic Watergate— White Paper – Connecting the Dots: Corporate Influence at the USDA’s National Organic Program “Why do we call it “The Organic Watergate”? Although not a constitutional crisis on par with what happened during the Nixon administration, the USDA’s blatant disregard for the requirements laid out in the Organic Foods Production Act of… Continue Reading