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Category Archives: Poverty

10% of World’s People May Have Been Infected With Virus

AP – “The head of emergencies at the World Health Organization said Monday the agency’s “best estimates” indicate roughly 1 in 10 people worldwide may have been infected by the coronavirus — more than 20 times the number of confirmed cases — and warned of a difficult period ahead. Dr. Michael Ryan, speaking to a… Continue Reading

The covid-19 recession is the most unequal in modern U.S. history

Washington Post article and charts – “Job losses from the pandemic overwhelmingly affected low-wage, minority workers most. Seven months into the recovery, Black women, Black men and mothers of school-age children are taking the longest time to regain their employment.” In the wake of widespread closings of schools and day-care centers, mothers are struggling to… Continue Reading

The Impact of Coronavirus on Households Across America

“While billions of dollars have been appropriated by federal and state governments since the start of the coronavirus outbreak, a series of polls by NPR, the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation find that a substantial share of households have not been protected from serious impacts of the… Continue Reading

The Great Climate Migration Has Begun

The New York Times Magazine: “…For most of human history, people have lived within a surprisingly narrow range of temperatures, in the places where the climate supported abundant food production. But as the planet warms, that band is suddenly shifting north. According to a pathbreaking recent study in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy… Continue Reading

Americans’ Views of Government: Low Trust, but Some Positive Performance Ratings

“For years, public trust in the federal government has hovered at near-record lows. That remains the case today, as the United States struggles with a pandemic and economic recession. Just 20% of U.S. adults say they trust the government in Washington to “do the right thing” just about always or most of the time. Yet… Continue Reading

As COVID-19 Tanks the Economy Eviction Moratoriums Expire

Pew Stateline: “It’s the beginning of the month, rent is due, the $600 in federal unemployment relief has lapsed and Congress seems far from agreeing on another coronavirus aid package. Meanwhile, the federal moratorium on evictions has ended, and similar mandates in many cities and states have expired or soon will. This week, as pressure… Continue Reading

In These Neighborhoods, the Jobless Rate May Top 30 Percent

The New York Times: “The economic damage from the coronavirus is most visible in areas like Midtown Manhattan, where lunch spots have closed, businesses have gone dark and once-crowded sidewalks have emptied. But some of the worst economic pain lies in other neighborhoods, in the places where workers who’ve endured the broadest job losses live.… Continue Reading

KFF Health Tracking Poll – July 2020

Coronavirus: Reopening, Schools, And The Government Response – Key Findings – July 27, 2020: Amid a surging coronavirus pandemic and record numbers of new cases in many states, the latest KFF Health Tracking Poll finds most U.S. adults feel the worst effects of the pandemic are yet to come, and seven in ten (including four… Continue Reading

OECD Employment Outlook 2020

Worker Security and the  COVID-19 Crisis – OECD Employment Outlook 2020 – “The 2020 edition of the OECD Employment Outlook focuses on worker security and the COVID-19 crisis. It provides an initial assessment of the labour market consequences of the COVID-19 outbreak and the resulting economic crisis. It also presents an overview of the emergency… Continue Reading

Libraries address food poverty in school holidays with ‘Feed and Read’ sessions

UK Times and Star: “West Cumbrian libraries are set to address food poverty and keep young minds active across the half term break. When schools close for a week from February 17-21, nine Allerdale libraries are taking up Feed and Read sessions. This offers a free healthy lunch to children in libraries, whilst also giving… Continue Reading

Analysis Shows Top 1% Gained $21 Trillion in Wealth Since 1989 While Bottom Half Lost $900 Billion “Adding to the mountain of statistical evidence showing the severity of U.S. inequality, an analysis published Friday found that the top one percent of Americans gained $21 trillion in wealth since 1989 while the bottom 50 percent lost $900 billion. Matt Bruenig, founder of the left-wing think tank People’s Policy Project, broke down the… Continue Reading

UN Report on Climate Change 2019

United In Science – High-level synthesis report of latest climate science information convened by the Science Advisory Group of the UN Climate Action Summit 2019. September 22, 2019. Foreword by António Guterres, United Nations Secretary-General: “Climate change is the defining challenge of our time. This important document by the United Nations and global partner organizations,… Continue Reading