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Debate Continues Behind Closed Doors on PATRIOT Act Extension

  • The Proposal to Reauthorize and Expand Parts of the USA PATRIOT Act: Why It’s Unnecessary and, In Some Respects, Dangerous, By Anita Ramastry.
  • Patriot Act Extension Debated at Closed Congressional Meeting
  • American Civil Liberties Union Testimony at an Oversight Hearing on the USA PATRIOT Act of 2001: Section 505 (National Security Letters) and Section 804 (Extraterritorial Criminal Jurisdiction) and the Material Witness Statute Before the Subcommittee on Crime, Terrorism and Homeland Security of the House Judiciary Committee, Submitted by Gregory T. Nojeim Acting Director, Washington Legislative Office and Timothy H. Edgar, National Security Policy Counsel
  • “The Electronic Privacy Information Center (EPIC) is writing today [May 23, 2005] to urge the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence to give careful consideration to whether provisions of the USA PATRIOT Act should be renewed as written. We also urge you to oppose the broadening of the FBI’s investigative powers in the absence of evidence that such expansion is necessary.” [Link]
  • Little Progress in Bid to Extend Patriot Act
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