Happy Thanksgving! If you read beSpacific and my research is useful to you, please support this site by donating the cost of a cup of coffee – $4 – or any another amount, such $10, $15, $20…using the link on selected postings 

Please consider making a contribution to beSpacific, even if you can only buy a cup of coffee to say thanks that will help me with hosting and development costs.
I am deeply thankful for the opportunity to have sustained beSpacific as the solo researcher and publisher, posting daily for 13 years now, with hundreds of daily readers via the blog, RSS and email.
I created and sustain beSpacific because I am passionate about law and technology and the myriad of ways the knowledge created by the intersection of these areas impacts our daily work, civic lives, education, and our communities of best practice.
Wishing you peace, community spirit, good work and good health.
Sabrina I. Pacifici
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