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Human trafficking

Data is Plural – Human trafficking. The Counter-Trafficking Data Collaborative’s Global Synthetic Dataset uses differential privacy techniques to represent “over 206,000 victims and survivors of trafficking identified across 190 countries and territories from 2002 to 2022.” The approach, developed in partnership with Microsoft Research, converts anonymized case records into “a new dataset in which records do not correspond to actual individuals, but which preserves the structure and statistics (i.e., utility) of the original data.” Each row indicates a (synthetic) individual’s gender, age group, citizenship, country of exploitation, duration of reported trafficking, traffickers’ means of control, types of exploitation, and the year the collaborative’s partners registered the case. Related: The collaborative’s Global Victim-Perpetrator Synthetic Dataset, which takes a similar approach to relationships between victims and perpetrators. [h/t Mariana Moreira + Lorraine Wong]

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