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New Program – Teaching Future Scientists to Talk

“Our program is a collaboration between life scientists at the University of Missouri at Columbia and faculty members in the School of Journalism. We pay students to work in research laboratories and develop independent research projects, and, at the same time, we train them in journalistic and communication techniques. Participating students produce blogs, news articles, videos, and other science-news reports using our media lab and the SciXchange Web portal. They meet weekly or biweekly with members of the journalism school for mentoring and to discuss the relationship between research and the public’s perception of it. Our goal is to produce a generation of researchers who appreciate the need for public communication and are prepared to do it well.” Chronicle of Higher Education via Jack C. Schultz, director of the Christopher S. Bond Life Sciences Center at the University of Missouri at Columbia and Jon T. Stemmle, director of the Health Communication Research Center at the Missouri School of Journalism.

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