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SBA Paycheck Protection Program Loan Level Data

Department of the Treasury SBA Paycheck Protection Program Loan Level Data

  • To download all Paycheck Protection Program data, click here.
  • Paycheck Protection Program Loans of $150,000 and above by State Click here to download Paycheck Protection Program loan data by state for loans of $150,000 and above.
  • The data for all 56 states and territories is available in a single CSV file. Paycheck Protection Program Loans under $150,000 by State – Click on the state or territory below to download loan data under $150,000…

See also the Washington PostExplore the SBA data on businesses that received PPP loans – “The Small Business Administration and Treasury Department disclosed loan-level data showing 660,000 loans on Monday, offering an in-depth look at one of the biggest economic stimulus programs ever assembled. The Paycheck Protection Program disclosure includes the names of 660,000 small businesses and nonprofit organizations that received at least $150,000 in funding. Although that is less than 15 percent of the total number of loans, it is the most detailed disclosure yet on one of the largest economic stimulus packages created by the federal government, part of the $2 trillion Cares Act. This searchable list shows information for businesses that received loans of more than $1 million through the program. The data does not contain exact loan amounts and instead shows ranges in amounts…”

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