Accurate, Focused Research on Law, Technology and Knowledge Discovery Since 2002

Who Has the Most Accurate Forecast for Your Location?

“Get a 5-day forecast and accuracy analysis for any US ZIP code or city. Forecast accuracy information [search by zip code or city/state]:

  • ForecastAdvisor will show you the accuracy of the major weather forecasters, including Accuweather, AerisWeather, Foreca, the National Weather Service, Open Weathermap, The Weather Channel, Weather Underground, Wetter, World Weather Online, and Weather News. We also provide links to your city’s weather forecast from all the other weather forecasters, so you can compare for yourself.
  • How we calculate accuracy – The overall accuracy percent is computed from the one- to three-day out accuracy percentages for high temperature, low temperature, icon forecast precipitation (both rain and snow), and text forecast precipitation (both rain and snow). Temperature accuracy is the percentage of forecasts within three degrees. Precipitation accuracy is the percentage of correct forecasts. The forecasts are collected in the evening each day.”

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