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Essential Apps for Ironclad Online Privacy

PC Mag: “Sitting in a comfy chair in your own home, checking social media and surfing the web, you may feel you’re in a quiet, private place. Nothing could be further from the truth. Any time you’re online, your privacy is under siege by data brokers, trackers, and hackers. It’s not like having your wallet stolen. You won’t notice right away. But if you don’t keep a lid on your private data you could suffer consequences ranging from receiving annoying spam messages to full-on identity theft. It’s nearly impossible to maintain total anonymity and still connect to the internet, but there are things you can do to limit your exposure, from connecting through a VPN to hiring a service that deletes your data from legitimate data aggregators. We’ve collected products and services that take many different approaches to privacy protection. Check out our reviews, then choose one or even more to defend your privacy. And when you’ve perused our choices, read on for a deeper dive into privacy problems and their solutions.”

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