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How Healthy? A comparative look at Israel, the U.S. and the OECD

Taub Center for Social Policy Studies in Israel, e-Bulletin 21 September 2010: “How does life expectancy in Israel compare to life expectancy in other countries? Three decades ago, in 1980, life expectancies for Israeli Jews, for the U.S., and for OECD countries (commonly considered the group of developed countries) excluding the U.S. were almost identical, at approximately 74 years; life expectancies for Arab Israelis were lower by over two years. Since then, the gains in life expectancy for Israelis have far outpaced those of other countries. Life expectancy in the US grew by four years, and those in the rest of the OECD grew by six years. But for Israelis, both Jews and Arabs, the gain was over seven years. Israelis as a whole now have a longer life expectancy than the non-US OECD countries, and even Israeli Arabs have a noticeably longer life expectancy than Americans.”

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