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Legal ChatGPT: Tips, Prompts, and Use Cases

My Case – By Catherine Brock: “AI tools like ChatGPT are creating a buzz in the legal field. According to the Legal Industry Report 2024, nearly one-quarter (24%) of law firms have adopted legal-specific generative artificial intelligence (GAI) tools. Survey respondents confirmed they use GAI to streamline firm processes, from drafting marketing content to finding specific statutes.  Lawyers who have opted not to use GAI cited three primary concerns: They need to learn more about the technology, they have ethical concerns, or they don’t trust AI outputs.  Those concerns are well-founded. Any software investment requires time-consuming research, comparison, and evaluation. GAI tools, being early in their lifecycles, are complex and not widely understood. They also have known risks, and not managing those risks can lead to reputation-damaging outcomes.  Still, the efficiency benefits of AI software for lawyers are compelling. GAI can free lawyers from repetitive tasks so they can focus on higher-level legal strategy. That’s an appealing value proposition, especially when the tools themselves are free or low-cost.  This guide covers the basics of ChatGPT for lawyers. Read on to find out how to use ChatGPT, the risks and limitations of GAI, the tenets of good GAI prompt writing, plus sample prompts you can try right now…”

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