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OECD countries confirm their drive to improve gender equality in public leadership

“OECD countries have strengthened their determination to work towards greater gender equality in public life – including in governments, parliaments and judiciaries – with concrete measures to improve women’s access to leadership and decision-making roles and integrate more of a gender perspective into public policies. The OECD Recommendation on Gender Equality in Public Life, launched on International Women’s Day and in the spirit of the UN Sustainable Development Goals, calls on member countries to ensure fair pay and equal opportunities for women and men at all levels of government, in parliaments, judiciaries and other public bodies, enacting pay equality laws where necessary. The Recommendation to member countries suggests measures such as introducing quotas or voluntary targets, parity laws, disclosure requirements and linking public funding for political parties to their gender ratios. It proposes setting objectives for gender equality with timelines, and penalties could be considered for non-compliance with regulations. Other actions recommended include rethinking traditional working hours to provide more flexibility for working mothers and offering incentives to men to take parental leave. Gender perspectives should be integrated into parliamentary practices, legislation and budgets.”

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