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Pew Internet Report: E-patients with a Disability or Chronic Disease

Press release: “The Pew Internet & American Life Project has released its latest report on the internet’s impact on health and health care, “E-patients with a Disability or Chronic Disease.” The new survey data nails down what many people have long suspected – people with chronic conditions are disproportionately offline, but once they are online, they are just as enthusiastic as other internet users. After detailing their general online interests, the report focuses on how this special population uses the internet to gather health information. Not surprisingly, once they are online, people with chronic conditions are avid e-patients. The report also shows that e-patients with chronic conditions do not lack for information about their health concerns, but they are frustrated by the process of finding the right information at the moment they need it.”

  • Report: E-patients With a Disability or Chronic Disease, October 8, 2007 (25 pages, PDF)
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