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PwC’s Global Workforce Hopes and Fears Survey 2023

“Business leaders everywhere are prioritising transformation, but what if your most skilled people are more reinvention ready than your company culture is? And what if your employees say they are even more likely to quit now than they were last year—back when everyone thought the “great resignation” was at its peak. This is the complicated—and unenviable—reality for many senior executives, as PwC’s latest Global Workforce Hopes and Fears Survey finds sizeable pockets of the global workforce eager to learn new skills, embrace artificial intelligence (AI) and tackle new challenges—even as many companies fail to tolerate debate and dissenting ideas, or even small-scale failures. Meanwhile, many workers are restless: fully 26% say they plan to quit their job in the next 12 months, up from 19% last year. The survey, fourth in a series that dates to 2019, drew responses from nearly 54,000 workers in 46 countries and territories, and underscores the central challenge facing CEOs and other C-suite leaders: you have to reinvent your organisation, but without the support and energy of all your people, these efforts will fail. And in the current environment—where skills gaps appear to be widening and more employees than ever struggle financially just to get by—you can’t take anything about your workforce, or culture, for granted. With that challenge in mind, we’ve organised this year’s survey summary into four actions that CEOs and other senior executives can prioritise to better understand what their employees want, learn what’s holding them back and—together with their people—make their organisations more reinvention ready.”

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