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Take a High Def, Guided Tour of Pompeii

Open Culture: “If you want to understand ancient Rome, its architecture, its history, the sprawl of the Roman Empire, you’ve got to go Rome.” So says archaeologist Darius Arya in the video above, making a fair, if obvious, point. “But you also have to go to the Vesuvian cities”: that is, the settlements located near the volcano Mount Vesuvius on the Gulf of Naples. “You have to go to Herculaneum. You must go to Pompeii. Not just because they’re famous, but because of the level of preservation.” This preservation was a side effect of the explosion of Vesuvius in 79 AD, which destroyed all life in Herculaneum and Pompeii, but also kept the basic structures of both cities intact; visiting either one today allows us to “get immersed in the world of the Romans.” It is in Pompeii that the video’s creator Manuel Bravo (previously featured here on Open Culture for his explanations of the Great Pyramids of Giza and Filippo Brunelleschi’s dome in Florence) immerses not just himself but also us in that world…”

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