Semiannual Report to the Congress – April 1, 2015, to September 30, 2015 – Office of Inspector General
“Although the Department has taken steps to improve security since the September 2012 attack on the U.S. Special Mission in Benghazi, Libya, OIG continues to find security deficiencies at U.S. diplomatic facilities abroad. Of the 11 U.S. diplomatic posts that OIG inspected during this reporting period, all were found to have physical security deficiencies. While some of these deficiencies were due to mission growth or the lack of sufficient protected workspace, many resulted from longstanding vulnerabilities the Department had not addressed. In addition, OIG issued three reports related to the Accountability Review Board report on the Benghazi attack. OIG also issued a number of reports this period addressing major challenges the Department faces in responding to a broad range of security and humanitarian crises in conflict zones. For example, OIG found weaknesses in the design and oversight of Department assistance programs in Syria and Pakistan that leave foreign assistance funds vulnerable to waste, fraud, and abuse…OIG also identified concerns with the Department’s efforts to protect its computer networks and, in turn, its information. Inspectors found information-technology and cybersecurity deficiencies at every overseas mission and domestic bureau inspected during this reporting period. OIG issued more than 40 recommendations to address the deficiencies. OIG also identified significant program challenges with the Department’s security program for wireless networks…”