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Daily Archives: May 23, 2024

What are location services and how do they work?

Proton: “Location services refer to a combination of technologies used in devices like smartphones and computers that use data from your device’s GPS, WiFi, mobile (cellular networks), and sometimes even Bluetooth connections to determine and track your geographic location. This information can be accessed by your operating system (OS) and the apps installed on your device. In many cases, this allows them to perform their purpose correctly or otherwise deliver useful content and features.  For example, navigation/map, weather, ridesharing (such Uber or Lyft), and health and fitness tracking apps require location services to perform their functions, while dating(new window), travel(new window), and social media apps can offer additional functionality with access to your device’s location services (such as being able to locate a Tinder match or see recommendations for nearby restaurants ). There’s no doubt location services (and the apps that use them) can be useful. However, the technology can be (and is) also abused by apps to track(new window) your movements. The apps then usually sell this information to advertising and analytics companies that combine it with other data to create a profile of you, which they can then use to sell ads. Unfortunately, this behavior is not limited to “rogue” apps. Apps usually regarded as legitimate, including almost all Google apps, Facebook, Instagram, and others, routinely send detailed and highly sensitive location details back to their developers by default. And it’s not just apps — operating systems themselves, such as Google’s Android and Microsoft Windows also closely track your movements using location services.  This makes weighing the undeniable usefulness of location services with the need to maintain a basic level of privacy a tricky balancing act. However, because location services are so easy to abuse, all operating systems include built-in safeguards that give you some control over their use. In this article, we’ll look at how location services work and show how to manage their use…”

For the Women Who Accused the Trump Campaign of Harassment, It’s Been More Harassment

ProPublica:”…As the media has chronicled, Trump is a well-known bully. He has belittled and sought to dominate political rivals like Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis and former allies like Bill Barr, who was his attorney general. Trump and his surrogates have appeared to relish hounding or humiliating women who have verbally crossed him, including media and… Continue Reading

AI on Trial: Legal Models Hallucinate in 1 out of 6 Queries

Stanford University Human-Centered Artificial Intelligence – A new study reveals the need for benchmarking and public evaluations of AI tools in law. “Artificial intelligence (AI) tools are rapidly transforming the practice of law. Nearly three quarters of lawyers plan on using generative AI for their work, from sifting through mountains of case law to drafting contracts… Continue Reading

Here’s what’s really going on inside an LLM’s neural network

Ars Technica:  “With most computer programs—even complex ones—you can meticulously trace through the code and memory usage to figure out why that program generates any specific behavior or output. That’s generally not true in the field of generative AI, where the non-interpretable neural networks underlying these models make it hard for even experts to figure… Continue Reading

Public’s Positive Economic Ratings Slip

Pew Report – Inflation Still Widely Viewed as Major Problem. “Majorities in both parties remain fearful about the state of the country – Inflation may be cooling, but it continues to loom large over Americans’ evaluations of the country and the economy. Today, 23% of U.S. adults say the economy is in excellent or good… Continue Reading

Is College Worth It?

“As economic outcomes for young adults with and without degrees have improved, Americans hold mixed views on the value of college. At a time when many Americans are questioning the value of a four-year college degree, economic outcomes for young adults without a degree are improving. After decades of falling wages, young U.S. workers (ages… Continue Reading