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Daily Archives: August 29, 2023

How Discord invented the future of the internet

Protocol: “Most longtime Discord users have a similar origin story. They liked playing video games, and liked playing with their friends, so they used TeamSpeak or Skype to talk to their friends in-game. They mostly hated TeamSpeak and Skype, but they were really the only options. Eventually, a lot of those gamers realized something. They wanted to talk to their gaming friends even when they weren’t in a game, and they wanted to talk about things other than games. Their gaming friends were their real friends. As luck would have it, in early 2015, a new tool called Discord showed up on the market. Its tagline was not subtle: “It’s time to ditch Skype and TeamSpeak.” It had text chat, which was cool, but mostly it did voice chat better than anybody else. Early users set up private servers for their friends to play together, and a few enterprising ones set up public ones, looking for new gamer buds. “I don’t have a lot of IRL friends that play games,” one Discord user, who goes by Mikeyy on the platform, told me. “So when I played Overwatch, I started my first community … to play games with anyone on the internet. You’d play a couple of games with someone, and then you’re like, ‘Hey, cool, what’s your Discord?'”

Fast-forward a few years, and Discord is at the center of the gaming universe. It has more than 100 million monthly active users, in millions of communities for every game and player imaginable. Its largest servers have millions of members. Discord’s slowly building a business around all that popularity, too, and is now undergoing a big pivot: It’s pushing to turn the platform into a communication tool not just for gamers, but for everyone from study groups to sneakerheads to gardening enthusiasts. Five years in, Discord’s just now realizing it may have stumbled into something like the future of the internet. Almost by accident…”

New LC Report on Safety, Security of Artificial Intelligence Systems

In Custodia Legis: “The use of artificial intelligence (AI) has increased exponentially and is permeating every aspect of our lives, from personal to professional. While it can be used in many positive ways to solve global challenges, there are also security risks to be considered, such as fundamental rights infringements, personal data security, and harmful… Continue Reading

Free Tiny Tools

The Best Free Online Web Tools You Will Ever Need – “FreeTinyTools provides free online conversion, Text Tools, Image Processing, Online Calculators, Unit converters Tools, Binary Converter Tools Website Management Tools, Development Tools and other handy tools to help you solve problems of all types. All files both processed and unprocessed are deleted after 15… Continue Reading

Assessing the Utility of ChatGPT Throughout the Entire Clinical Workflow: Development and Usability Study

J Med Internet Res 2023;25:e48659 Background: Large language model (LLM)–based artificial intelligence chatbots direct the power of large training data sets toward successive, related tasks as opposed to single-ask tasks, for which artificial intelligence already achieves impressive performance. The capacity of LLMs to assist in the full scope of iterative clinical reasoning via successive prompting,… Continue Reading

How to Extract Text From Images in Web Browsers

MakeUseOf: “Extracting text from images can be useful for various reasons. Text extraction is most useful for research purposes when an image includes some text-based info. It’s quicker and more convenient to extract required text from an image rather than manually noting it all down within a word processor. Many users utilize Windows or Mac… Continue Reading